Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Prep Class update 2
Waco Prep Class Update good directions and navigational skills got us to the hotel in one piece! YAY! GO me!
Arrived at hotel....checked in.....D.B. went to find her sister while I chilled at the hotel. Her sister ended up being at work still, so we ran around the closest Highway (so we didn't get lost) and found Cheddar's ( I have eaten here before, but D had not) They have great food, good prices, and great service, ALWAYS. D loved it, it was a hit! I went back to the hotel and D went back to her sister's house.
Got up LATE on Tuesday am(7am is sleeping in for me) and wandered down to the hotel lobby for a 'decent' breakfast.
Walked across the parking lot, YES across the parking lot ( how cool is that) to the building where our class was. Found the suite where we were supposed to be (I swear it was 300, but it was 330) and...waited.
People finally arrived to unlock our room and in we went. 1/2 the lights didn't work so we had to rearrange the room so we could all see!
Bob's class was good! It always is!!! It's a lot of info and by the end of the night last night my brain was killing me from info overload!
Obviously up and at it this morning already. Eating breakfast and blogging so you all can read what I've been up to for the past 2 days!
More class today...should be heading out around 2pm......hope for an uneventful trip home!!!
Have a great day all!
Friday, November 6, 2009
10/30/09 - San Antonio
Mom wanted to see Casper, since we weren't going to be taking him to a show when she was her. He was heading to Waco with my trainer as a 'buddy' for another horse she was taking
So....we got to San Marcos to find Casper still in his stall, thank goodness! We were worried he might have been gone already since I couldn't get a hold of Mary.
We arrived to find him clad in a HOT PINK SHEET, and a very feminine Sleezy with big, bright, bold hibiscus flowers. My mom said I had a gay horse! Everyone at the barn insisted he was not gay and that he was just comfortable with his masculinity!! What a riot! Put on his black shipping boots and a few carrots later off he went to Waco! (everything went well all weekend while he was there, thank goodness....lots of compliments about him Mary said)
From San Marcos a QUICK trip to the San Antonio Rose Palace to see a friend (crossing my fingers) show. Not sure we'd get there in time though. With many complaints from the passenger seat (mom) and the back seat (DH) I was given 30 minutes to hang with my friend before we MUST HEAD to the River Walk! What ever! Got there 2 minutes before Connie went in for her last class...GREAT TIMING! See pics here she's the one on the small bay!
OK...hugs and congrats and pointers to Connie and off we went!
NOW - lemme just say.....I had not planned on the San Marcos trip...I had planned STRAIGHT to River Walk for most of the day and then a mid pm jaunt over to the Rose Palace to see Connie. However, plans changed so we were now headed to River Walk via the Rose Palace. I had directions from the River Walk to the Rose hard would it be to just follow the directions backwards, right? W R O N G! ! ! ! ! The final road we needed was NOT on any of the big signs on the highway. So, after much raucous from the passengers and back seats about getting lost I pulled off the highway into a Whataburger and happened to pull up next to a motorcycle cop! Rolled down windows and said...HAY...can you tell us how to get back to the River Walk? Nice guy! Turns out we were only about 5 mins in the wrong direction!! Props to the navigator (yours truly) for not getting us TOOOOOO lost!
So, a few turns and BAM there we were. Street parking not look so good, so we opted to pay to park in a garage.
Mom lead the way and we found the (dirty from all the recent rain) RIVER WALK! Even with the dirty h2o it was a pretty sight!
Had lunch at THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS (i know....we found about 3 other places we'd have liked better after we got walking around, AFTER we ate!). Then walked around and took the really cool but MUCHO expensive boat tour. Gorgeous city! Lots of fun!!! Late home very late! Friend in town was nice enough to run to the house mid afternoon and let the doggies out. Poor things....would have been in kennels with legs crossed trying to hold it till we got home! Pics in the next post. Please don't copy and use them for yourself.
Friday Fills Ins
2. I'm happy when things go as planned.
3. The last thing I drank was h2o.
4. One of the most valuable things in my life is the 'stuff' you can't touch.
5. I like hamburger and bell pepper on my pizza.....but I also like ham and pineapple.
6. Dear November, please don't bring the hurricane that in down south right now, PLEASE!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going home and hanging with my DH, tomorrow my plans include going to watch Mary show Casper and Sunday, maybe a day to relax!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
10/29/09 - Touchdown
Left work early....well...LATE! Meant to leave at 12:30....had a few policy holder who needed some help, so stayed a bit late to finish up.
Then, trip to Bank, and then grocery store for a few last minute items so we'd have food in the house....then fill up the gas tank so I don't run out on the way to Houston........
FINALLY make it home at like 2:15 (need to leave home by 2:30 to get to airport in time)!
Needed to shower and change....grrrrrr running late is my biggest pet peeve!
Then...need to run by Wal-Mart pharmacy in Edna to pick up an antibiotic for my mom 'cause she thought she was getting an infection and her Dr. was nice enough to call in one...... Get to Pharmacy Rx yet...WTF? I was called in about 2 hrs ago and my mom called and asked if you could PLEASE it ready by 2:30 *it's now 2:45* because I have to get to the airport to pick her up......Grrrrrrrr....... SO....3pm I finally make it out of Wal-Mart and on my way!
Didn't get money back when I used debit card at Wal-Mart cause RX was mucho expensive! money for toll road.....
Call DH and ask him to find me other directions...NO again, no answer.....and answer.
NOW...I'm already peeved I'm running late cause of policy holders, errands after work and the Pharmacy guy got it taken out on him *insert nasty message left on his phone*
Stop at Buc-ee's in Wharton (the one with out the sunscreen) and get a drink and got just enough cash back to pay tolls (most places minimum is $20.00 but Buc-ees redeems itself for not having sunscreen by allowing me to take out $10.00!)
So....flying (the Mazda sprouted wings, I swear) to Houston getting there only about 15 mins after moms plane lands. Good! Was afraid I was going to be about an hour and a half late with traffic and all....
Head home.....chit chat a dinner...go to sleep to be well rested for busy day on FRIDAY! :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Very Busy..sorry!
Will post pics and updates as time at work allows!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween! :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lots going on in my world right now, most of which has not been good.
The sudden death of a good friend last week really shook me up. It's not something I had time to prepare for and deal with, so dealing with the loss is an on-going issue.
Pretty busy at both jobs, meaning I'm exhausted by the time I get home from day job after working my night job the night before.
My mom will be flying in tomorrow afternoon, yay!
Not going to get to do what we planned on. I was supposed to be taking Casper to our first show. However, after getting sick a few weeks ago he's depleted my 'show fund'. So, my trainer is taking him to the Margarita Classic Paint Show to get him out and about and see how he does in crowds of people and horses. I'm sure he'll be fine, but we need to know!
SO, our plans now include a day trip to San Antonio, an afternoon or am at a dressage show in Houston, Judgement House in Edna Saturday night, and hanging out on Sunday.
Mom heads back to New York on Monday, DH will be taking her to the airport. Not near a long enough stay, but better than nothing at all!
Hope everyone out there in blog land is well.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Somber Friday Fill Ins
2. I hope know how much you are loved and missed, wherever you are.
3. I want to get far away from the numb feeling that has taken over my normally "sunflowers up my butt" attitude that came with the terrible news on Sunday 10/19/2009
4. A long life full of happiness and love; this was a dream.
5. But as for me, I miss her, terribly.
6. It's my favorite season, fall, where I come from.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to staying busy, tomorrow my plans include also staying busy and Sunday, I want to do all I can to make sure Jennifer has a great show in memory of Megan.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
There are murderers, serial killers, rapists, child molesters running the streets and this young, vivacious woman is killed and taken from us. WHY? What a waste.....she was such a positive, vibrant person with so much to give and her time on earth was cut short while terrible people continue to live, and enjoy all the comforts this world has to offer.
Devastated friends and family mourn the loss of this precious life.
Rest in Peace Megan, rest in peace. I hope you are jumping big jumps, and riding amazing piaffes on the most majestic of steeds.
You are severely missed.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
1. Sweet dreams were those that included horses!
2. I would love to do something that is just especially for me.
3. Silliness is NOT a 4 letter word.
4. I will be at a horse show with my MOM, R, and CASPER this Halloween. Oh, and Connie too!
5. Outstanding or not I'm going to practice showmanship with Casper at Mary's on Monday!
6. The clock to read 5 o'clock is what I want rigth now.
7. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting to bed EARLY, tomorrow my plans include getting started on a baby blanket and Sunday, I want to catch up on work!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
2nd overnight at new job.....snore....
I can finally see to post again.
Briefly..... yawn.....
Worked over night again last night at part time "support my showing habit" job.
Prior to that I was up at 6:30 am yesterday (Wednesday) am, worked all day at 'regular job'. Got home after short (LOL, it was almost an hour) detour at new clients place one road over from us. Arrived home to find that doggies needed out badly! Poor Cheyenne was in the back of her kennel with hind legs crossed going "I've gotta peeeeee!" Not really, but you get that idea!
Let the critters out, woofed down a bowl of in bed with Tucker, and tried to sleep.
Just about the time I was dozing off....slam (car door). Slam, Slam (more car doors?) Surely Robert wasn't opening and closing every door of the truck upon his arrival home? - SIDE NOTE, HE DIDn'T have SCHOOL LAST NIGH OR TONIGHT - TEACHER OUT OF TOWN. So, I left him at new clients house to chit chat. Next thing I know I see lights, bright lights.....
WTF? I leapt out of bed and looked out the window (windur if ur in the south) and there were at least 3 vehicles next door, and DH's truck parked at end of drive. Tucker started to growl, and bark....and it was all down hill from there. SO, NO nap last night before 'getting up' at 9:30 to get ready to go to part time over night job.
Let's recap - Up at 6:30 am Wednesday, no nap in PM, off to other job till 7am, then head to 'day job' until 5pm (which will NEVER GET HERE, I think the Grinch has stopped the clock).
So, you can say I'm one pooped puppy!
Oh, and tonight, BEFORE going straight home and going to bed I must make a cameo appearance at a friend's B-Day party to drop of gift and grab some dinner. That it's HOME and BED for me! If it's anything like Tuesday night was after this same experience, I will sleep soundly like a babeee and not wake till the alarm goes off in the am.
Cheers to all, have a good afternoon/evening!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Act badly and get.....your own TV show
I'm going to guess you have NO idea what I'm talking about, right? RIGHT!
Michael Vick....the one and only dog fighter extraordinaire is getting, in addition to his new football contract with my now LEAST FAVORITE NFL TEAM the Philadelphia Eagles (I have been an eagles fan for years...till now! Go Steelers!) he's getting his own REALITY SHOW!!
Why doesn't he take some of that 1.6 MILLION he's getting for his first year and put it to good use helping rehab all those dogs he abused!
Reality? You want to talk about REALITY? Why don't we talk about the 66 dogs that were RESCUED from Vick's property. The life those dogs had to lead until April 25, 2007 when Police and animal-control officers seize 66 dogs (53 pit bulls) was terrible. Worse, I'd imagine than any of us will ever know.
Now, in addition to his MULTI MILLION DOLLAR (over 5 mill for 2 years) he'll be making a large profit off his reality show.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel he should really step up and give back to the rescue groups that have take in his dogs, and do something to end dog fighting here in the US.
And..while I'm stiring the pot
I have given SERIOUS thought to homeschooling when my husband and I have kids.
I've talk to one too many 'overworked/underpaid' teachers who are sick of having to 'teach to the test' (I'm speaking of the TAKS) as opposed to teaching for learning and what will best prepare the kids for the future.
There are, IMHO too many children in the classes for them to get enough out of the experience. You have the kids in the class that goof off, disrupt class, and the teacher has to spend 1/2 the class period asking little "Johnny" to stop doing what ever he is doing that is disruptive. Then, you have the highly intelligent kids who always have the answer, and I speak from experience when I say that those who don't catch on to a particular subject matter as quickly don't feel comfortable answering questions because the "genius" of the class knows the answer and will make you feel "stupid" if you get it wrong.
One of the posts on the blogs that are talking about this now, Hunter In Training, The Milkman's Wife, My Sister's Farm House, mentioned something about homeschooling when the kids are young and then putting them in public school when they are Jr/High school. I have seen this first hand, and feel terrible for the kids it happened to. Good friends of my ex and I home schooled their children until one was in 8th and one was in 6th grades. They appeared to be well rounded, well educated children who were highly aware of right from wrong. What happened when those kids went to public school shocked the heck out of me. the older one was a girl, and she started being very rebellious, developed a smart moth, and lack of respect for herself, and her elders. She said it was because "that's what all my new friends do". The younger of the two, the boy didn't have quite as dramatic of a reaction, but it was close. IMHO if you are homeschooling to prevent your children from the "horrors of public school" and are going to allow them to take part in some of the public school experience and home school the rest you would allow them in public school when they are in Pre-K, Kindergarten, etc when they play with clay and blocks, and finger paint, and then bring them back to your hopefully structured curriculum when they are older. Just my thoughts folks.
I feel when you take on the JOB (and yes, it is a job) of home-schooling you have to work harder than parents in public school to make sure your child is well rounded. In public school they interact with different types of people, and partake in different activities in one location. Home school parents have to put forth a bit more effort to get their kids out and interact with others and get involved in activities so they DON'T become the sheltered hermit that can NOT live as a productive member of society.
Do I believe that is a right and wrong answer here, NO! You decide what works for your schedule and your children. I believe that there are just as many pros and cons for everyone on either side. But PLEASE don't criticise someone just because "they home school" or they "send their kids to public school".
I'm gonna go out on a limb here....
I may be setting myself up for some.....interesting discussion here.....but...
I have traveled around the United States. North, South, East, and West.
My observation of the use of the English language has been very 'regional'.
Never have I observed such 'abuse' of the English language as I have in the south. (go ahead, have at me, but be nice).
"I seen BobbyJoe at the meeting last night"
NO! "I saw BobbyJoe at the meeting last night"
Growing up in upstate NY, I honestly do not remember people talking like that, EVER.
I'm in no way, shape, or form saying that ALL people in the south do not know how to properly use the English language. All I'm saying is that I hear more improper use of the language in the South.
Anyone else have a take on this?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
OOps, I forgot

For those who MAY not know ......... Sloths are extremely slow-moving mammals found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. Sloths also sleep upside-down for up to 18 hours at a time. Sloths are nocturnal and sleep curled up with their head placed between the arms and the feet drawn close together. Their hair is grayish brown but, at times they look grey-green in color because they move so slowly that tiny camouflaging algae grow all over their coats.
Yep, that's me! Moving so slowly I will grow algee!
Monday, October 5, 2009
rainy, rainy, RAINY weekend
So, I will share tomorow.
Busy day at work!!! No time to post till 2 mins till time to go home! Now that's CRAZY!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. Just what in the heck is this whole thing about is something I wish I knew.
3. I'm eating (or recently ate) COLD pizza for breakfast!
4. I hate seeing dead animals on the road.
5. So that's it, that's what flowers are used for, erasing things!
6. Getting 1/2 of my list accomplished this weekend is better than nothing!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going home early and doing nothing, tomorrow my plans include hunting for horse food and running errands in town and Sunday, I want to relax in a bubble bath surrounded by candles and 'storm' music (YEAH, RIGHT, keep dreaming)!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
For Hunter In Training
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
TDI PNC License exam......
(the ONLY saving grace of the evening was I ran into Bridget, her daughter, and BF at the restaurant where I was eating and they made my evening!)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weekend in short, and Today
We started in Edna, and headed to Rosenberg. Took care of two of our clients (1/2 set with borium) and they then told us about a great sale on boots at the local Baskins.
Ended up spending WAY too much money there! But, got great boot deals! I was in need for sure, so was Robert. He was in need, badly! He about walked out of his boots!!!
Sunday - Slept in (till 9am!!) got up, cleaned house, went and picked up Harley and moved him to the pasture across the road. :) Spent afternoon studying, studying, studying for my PNC Insurance Exam tomorrow in Corpus.
So, if I'm quiet today and tomorrow...that's why! Study, Study, STUDY!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. Time didn't have much meaning to me when I was young.
3. Mama told me I'd understand when I got older, and I do.
4. We go together like peanut butter and jelly you and me.
5. Take your time enjoying each other, sometimes life is too short and you don't get enough time to do that.
6. This too will pass.
7. And for the weekend tonight I'm looking forward to returning some things I bought that I didn't need, tomorrow my plans include working, working, working, but I get to see Casper again, and Sunday, I want to Chillax!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Was going to save this for another day, but....enjoy
Mary was also up, and we conversed over the coffee pot in mumbles and grumbles :)
Left at 6:30 in the middle of a torrential down pour! NO joke. It was raining ELEPHANTS and RHINOS, not puppies and kittens!
Directions and Coffee in hand, I head out.....
Made it to 35 N no problem! I'm on that road all the time at Mary's place!
Made it to exit 227, Slaughter Lane no problem....well marked...
Drove till I found a mom and pop (looked like an old shed) convenience store and asked directions. Apparently the road I passed about 10 miles back while still on Slaughter WAS MOPAC, but labeled LOOP 1! YIKES! got back to loop 1 (at least I was on the correct end of town, or so I thought!)
I drove to where SHOULD have been the address according to the map.....nadda! It was a BIG open field.
Got out paper work and called the AFO where I was supposed to be....explained where I was.
Was told "oh, you are on the wrong end of town!!"
Keep coming on Loop 1 till you get to Braker Braker say on feeder road through the light, we are on the right, can't miss us! I'll let Bob (guy giving class) know you are going to be late." CRAP! Wrong end?? Darn Google Directions!, I was told I had about 15 miles to go...not so bad, right? It was 8:10 when I talked to lady at the AFO. I figured for sure, even with traffic and weather, I'd be there by 9!
I drove 4 miles in one hour! Apparently when it rains during rush hour on Loop 1 traffic is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY slow.
Called AFO at 9....umm where is that road, I'm at X exit?
"Oh my, you are still on other side of town. Traffic must be terrible. I'll tell Bob"
9:15 I pulled into AFO parking lot.
Found BOB's Class.
about 15 mins after walks someone else. Nice to not be the only one late.
Class was fun! Learned lots! Bob is a mess! Very funny. Makes this BORING information as fun as possible. Doesn't make you feel stupid for wrong answers. Reminds me of a cartoon character but I can't put my finger on which one.
Headed back to Mary's at 4:30. Made 15-20 mile drive to where I got lost at in 30 mins! 30 mins! Took be an hour and a half plus that morning in traffic.
No work out for Cas. He got his teeth done today by Dr. Huffmann from Retama.
So, we dinked around with the other horses a bit. I ran two errands in town before I got back to Mary's. Cas' clip on his lead broke, so I got a new clip. Also, ran into Hobby Lobby in San Marcos to get some stuff for my niece's homecoming mums...there is another story in itself. TEXAS homecoming mums. Will post, with pics when they are done :)
Got to bed late - to be up early!
Monday PM in review
Seems soooo long ago!
Left office at lunch time, 12:30
Headed home to finish packing, eat a quick lunch and head to San Marcos
Left home about 3
Arrived San Marcos 5:30
Mary was happy to see me, not sure about Casper though!
Mary tacked up Cas and to the outdoor we went.....
Not sure what I expected. Dr. Wells did Chirio and injected left I was hoping for better.
Supplement doesn't seem to be doing trick. Cas is still really 'snap, crackle, pop' like a bowl full of rice crispies with milk just poured on them. Talk to Mary, I think we are going to cancel the joint supplement and go with monthly adaquane injections. About the same price, and SHOULD work much better :)
So.....Mary starts out with him on the lunge. I see a bit of a difference. He's pushing with his hind end, getting his legs nice and underneath him....driving.
Mary gets on.......after about 10 mins of bending and flexing he is pretty soft and supple in his neck....
a bit fast in his gaits to start.....then after about 30 mins Mary asks him to jog. and when I say job people, I mean J - O - G - S- L - O - W. His neck is LEVEL with his top line (big smiles there) he is collected, with a pleasant expression on his face, other than a 'are you gonna whack my mouth' look once in a while. It was sooo nice to see such progress. 4 or 5 weeks ago he was not that soft/supple/relaxed.
Mary and I even started talking about the SAN ANTONIO stock show for his 'under saddle debut'. :) WOW!
Finished up in the barn...headed to the to bed late....10:30 or so...
Up at 6am Tuesday to head to Class in Austin... YIPPEE!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Weekd end stuff
Saturday found us in Port Aransas taking care of one of our clients' horses (8 horses and 2 donkey's) - then back at Jen's finishing up
Sunday found us running to Angleton to BCSO to check out a potential Catahoula Rescue foster dog - then some errands were run, met some friends in town around dinner time, trimmed one of friends' horses and finally made it home about 7pm to move the big square bale, let the dogs out, make some dinner and, CRASH.
Pretty busy but 'boring' weekend. No horse stuff going on.
OH, leaving this afternoon for training in Austin and to see Casper! YAY!
I will prolly not be around again until Thursday 9/ hope everyone has a great week! :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Lunging Mosquitoes - 9/17/09
Lunging Ransom, who was wearing mosquitoes?
Lunging Ransom who was wearing lots of mosquitoes through his BUG SPRAY.....
Jen had some stuff to do last night so I told her I'd run by her place on the way home and Lunge Ransom for her. She is working hard to get ready for a show on 9/27 and we didn't want to loose any momentum!
So, tacked Ransom up, black polos, blue pad, surcingle, side reins and off we went.
*noted that on his right side he was very sensitive to brushing...with stiff bristle and softer. Almost like he was saying 'umm that hurts, stop it, stop it, stop it'. *
Went down to the FAR END OF THE ARENA - his least fav of the two ends
Started going left....walking - no side reins
He took off into a canter and I let him get it out of his system.
Changed direction
Now going right - no side reins - walk
Again, takes off cantering......dadadum, dadadum, dadadum.....
Changed direction again - added side reins on 8 - now going left
Worked on transitions - walk/trot - trot/canter - canter/trot - trot/walk - walk/canter
Ransom was moving very nicely this way. Mucho impulsion, holding a nice frame, going some where...yay pony!
Right side, however....not so much.
He didn't want to hold the trot...he preferred to canter. So, canter we did....lots. Worked on transitions this way too, same as above. He was much better by the time we stopped and got carried back to the trailer to un-tack by the mosquitoes! It was nice not having to walk all that way back to the trailer!
Un-tacked, hosed him off.....did some cookie stretches....and turned him back out where he started eating grass right away. It has rained here...we have grass now! :)
2. Casper's vet visit, including teeth floating and shots is coming up next.
3. Lately, things seem CRAZY, but that's NORMAL around my place!
4. In the bathroom with the door locked is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.
5. What happened to the good 'ole days when a dollar went somewhere and people treated each other well??
6. My show outfit getting done in time, my mom getting here with out issue, and having enough money to go to the horse show with CASPER the end of next month is not impossible!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to showing Jen how to poultice Ransom's legs, tomorrow my plans include day trip to Port 'A' (working, not pleasure) and Sunday, I want to CHILL, RELAX, TAKE IT EASY (yeah right!)!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Casper Update
Paid a visit to my MONSTER today.
Actually, Mary just called and talked to me for a few mins.
Casper had something wrong with his 'butt' (for lack of a better work cause he used the fancy technical terminology) that was keeping him from being able to reach forward and thru with the last part of his canter stride. Sorry, best way I can describe it. It keeps them from being able to pick up a lead and follow thru with the stride all way.
So, Mr. W is going to inject this area.
We are going to give him Today, Friday, and Saturday off.
Mary will ride him on Sunday....
and I will get to see him MONDAY NIGHT! I'm so excited about that!
Mary said Casper was trying to grab the phone from her while she was talking to me.
I said he just wants to talk to him Mom! :) I miss him!
Jenn's Hauling Service
A friend of mine broke down hauling her horses to Corpus on Sunday. She was stranded. Had no way to get back home (Victoria). So, after checking my schedule I decided I had time to go pick her up after work last night (Wednesday).
Got up at 6am to feed my work by 8:30. Left work at 5. Got to Corpus at 7. Left Corpus with trailer and horse in tow around 7:30/7:45 and got back to C's house around 9:15ish.
Unloaded horse, put him away in his stall.
Unhooked trailer
Hugs and Thank You's and I left about 10pm.
Got home about 11....let dogs out and CRASHED! Exhausted!!
Didn't open eyeballs until alarm clock went off at 6! YAY!
Show Clothes Cometh!
I have looked around for OVER a YEAR and have NOT been able to find ANYTHING I can afford.....until now!
Check on Connie Colvin's THE WINNERS FIT prices look VERY reasonable, product looks great!
I should have outfit in about 4 weeks, just in time for my Halloween day show with Casper!
Connie's price are amazing. I can't stress that enough! The least expensive CUSTOM I have found any where else is $500.00 just for the jacket, a PLAIN one I might add. Lambskin and 'bling' would be extra! YIKES!
I will keep you posted on the process...I should be getting photos during the making of the jacket.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Potential Fabrics for my show jacket
Monday, September 14, 2009
NICKELBACK 9 - 12 - 09
(feel sorry for the spell check machine on that one).
On to Nickelback. WOW. Their music is really great. Their performance was amazing. The lighting and effects were awesome! Flame throwers, firework like explosions, fog......and there is a BIG BANG that starts it all and makes you jump a foot in the air! I know I did! Jen and her SO laughed at me. They had seen them a few months back in San Antonio and knew what was coming. I did not! Yikes!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. _ Hay, grumpy CRAB; I'm over here!
3. The possibilities include: _ include.....humm I seem to have forgotten!!
4. _ Yankee Chili (not texas Chili, it just has meat and beans!!) _ is one of my favorite cool day recipes.
5. How will you know _ what time we are leaving on Saturday?? Not till J and R call and say "we're on the way!"
6. _ Cloudy with a chance of meatballs _ and a stormy sky.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _ getting home EARLY!! _, tomorrow my plans include _Nickel Back!!! _ and Sunday, I want to _ get my sewing machine and start making stuff _!
9 - 11 - 09
ON the 8 year "Anniversary" of 9/11/01 I feel compelled to post a few pictures and ask everyone....
Do you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when the terrible attack was made on our country?
I do....
I was in Poolesville, Maryland. It was my day off. The rest of the girls were out in the barn doing chores. I was sleeping on the couch. The phone kept ringing, and ringing, and ringing. It was the mother of one of my co-workers. She wanted to know if we knew what was going on. We didn't. I turned on the TV...and then ran to the barn to get my friends and co-workers. We all sat, in awe and watched.
That's where I was......where were you??
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Turn - 20 questions!
1. My ex ... isn't speaking to me, can't blame him i guess.
2. Maybe I should ... concentrate on getting my insurance license so my boss will HUSH!
3. I love ... the fact that CASPER is ok, my mom is coming in October and I will be taking Cas to his first show with her here!!!
4. People would say that I am ... a nice person.
5. I don't understand why ... people are so mean to animals.
6. When I wake up in the morning ... I'm happy to be happy!!
7. I lost ... lots of things...wish I could find 'em!!
8. If I had my way ... my dog Tucker would live forever because I can't stand that he's getting older and I'm closer to being with out him.
9. My past ... was a WHOLE LOTTA FUN!
10. I get annoyed by ... people who can't plan accordingly!
11. Parties are ... more enjoyable at my house because I don't have to drive home!
12. I wish life was not ... so hard sometimes!
13. Dogs ... are truly man's best friend.
14. Cats ... have never been my favorite critter.
15. Tomorrow... is FRIDAY! YAY!
16. I have a low tolerance ... for ignorance and tardiness.
17. If I had a million dollars ... I'd share with friends and family but keep enough to be comfortable!
18. I'm totally terrified of ... trying things for the first time, I hate it!
19. My spouse is ... (you caught me on a good day) working very hard trying to pass his TCLEOSE so he can be a peace officer.
20. My life is ... BUSY!!
9/9/09 - UPDATE
I talked to (ok, sent txt's back and forth) Mary this morning and she said he's FINE.
So, thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers. Big man gets sick it's scary!
Hope everyone has a great day!
It's still raining here in South Texas! YAY!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mary Called, AGAIN
Marry called again. Said she gave him some banamine and with in 15 mins he was perky and looking for grub.
Weather here has changed dramatically in the last 24 hours and Is having a bad effect on my tummy too!!
So, she said she walked by his stall and he was laying down.
This is odd cause Cas NEVER lays down.
She hollered at him and he got up.
Eyes looked a little dull, and he confirmed tummy ache by looking back at his tummy after getting up.
So.....Banamine it was....
She said she walked him around a bit and he was sluggish...
After about 10 mins he was walking better, eyes perky, looking for treats.
Put him back in his stall...he was looking for hay and playing in his water bucket.
Tony walked through the aisle and gave pm snack hay and Cas was pissed because he didn't get any....poor boy!
So, it looks like he's feeling better. gassy tummy is better now too. Maybe we are having sympathy pains for each other....
Mary questioned my gassy tummy as pregnancy pains...I told her "I sure as hell hope not, I've got too much crap I wanna do" As in....SHOW CASPER!!! DUH!
Hope he doesn't have to go.......
He'll be fine....
Sending good vibes his way......
Good Pony karma......
Cas colicing.....
Asked if wanted to haul to vet or give banamine/walk
I said give banamine and walk and see what happens......
Keep you posted
Roberts First Police Academy Test
Keep in mind, he got a 48 on this same test (well, not the same exact test but his first test) last semester.
84! He got an 84!
He was wayyyyyy excited last night when he got home.
He's been working very hard, going to a tutor and putting in some solid study time.
He spent lots of time studying last semester, but apparently they give you lots of info that you don't need, mixed in with the stuff you do need's hard to figure out what's what.
His tutor has been a great help! She was VERY excited last night too!
Smiles all the way around here!
Will post pics soon of the hogs Robert and Royce killed on Friday 8/4/09
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day
Got up....relatively early considering this was one of my few chances to sleep in for crying out loud!
Fed our critters, and ran (drove) over to Jen's house. Got there JUST as farrier was pulling Romeo out of his stall. I said "wait, I think Jen wants him to go barefoot, lemme call her and you can talk to her". He said, ok! Called Jen, they chatted. Mr. Farrier happy we saved him some hammer time and seat cause it sure was hot out, even at 10am!
Fed J's critters, inside and out! Cleaned up FLOUR mess kitties left. I'm sure in protest of no love and affection over the weekend. Totally neglected! :)
Went to R's tutor to study for his TEST AT COLLEGE today!
I bailed about an hour after we got there. Took T's kiddo (11) and went to town!
Academy for Lunch boxes (for T and Kiddo), and a new big mug. I got a pair of PRETTY SHOES for ME and a flashlight for R for school. YAY!
Then.....Hobby LobbY! Ohhh what a dangerous place is the Fabric department at Hobby Lobby! Lots of pretty fabrics....yikes! Spent way to much anyway!!
Then...ran by Sonic for a snack.
Headed back to T's back about 5pm to find R and T's brother T grinding sausage from the hogs R and R killed Friday night on their hunting expedition! I said...."that doesn't look like studying to me!"
Got inside, talked to T.....found out that R had taken practice test online and got an 80! YAY!
Ended up staying at T's house until about 10:45......eating, talking...hanging with friends! T and her daughter A are a total mess together! I laughed so hard my cheeks (on my face!) hurt! LOL!
Good time....but late, late night for early up and at'em in the am....yucky!!
Weekend Catch - up 3
Got up early to finish cleaning up and cooking for the afternoon feast!
We had a house full of people!!!
Highlight of the party...M left her key in her bike, causing it to drain the battery but we SWEAR she didn't leave it in the on position. R and T had to.....PUSH START her bike! Push start! This meant that they had to PUSH her bike down the road with her on it while she tried to start it. It was VERY funny! Good laughs had by all watching. Let's hope M's BF didn't get too mad at her for killing the battery!
Great food, great company. Good time had (i think) by all that attended! We were one short, she bailed on us and went out of town.....but that's ok.
Weekend Catch-up part 2
Met Jen at IHOP for a good morning breakfast.
Shared some stories....laughed about the ODD COUPLE/FAMILY next to us. Guy and his kid, and two women. Couldn't figure out if the women were a couple.....or if one of them was there trying to pick up the guy with the was strange! Lots of giggles.
Then, I spyed a very attractive guy sitting behind Jen. There were 3 half full plates of food on the table. ONE belonged to him...but the others?? He was looking around like he was waiting for the "one who went to the bathroom and never came back to the date". Poor guy. Felt bad for him. Way to cut to have been left! About 3 mins later.....woman and kiddo come back. Whew....that explains it!!
Went to Lori's and got a hair cut/highlights and low lights/and eyebrows done. Love it all! Anyone in the Victoria, Texas area looking for a new hairdresser....she's your lady!
Went and got groceries after hanging out with Connie a bit.
Went home....
Started to cook for Sunday. We were planning on having some people over for a BBQ!! FUN!!
R stayed out a little later than he should have at the Diaper Party and ended up sleeping on the couch....yeah.... Felt bad for Tucker...he bounced back and forth between the bedroom and the living room all night bless his heart.
Friday 8/4/09
Took the day off work so we could go do our weekend horses. Robert had a "Diaper Party" to go to. I knew (I'm a planning-oholic) that we would not have time to take care of all of our clients and for him to get to his party. He missed the last one (yes, two in a month) so, I didn't want him to miss out on this one too.
What the heck is a diaper party? I have never heard of this. My co-workers have best friend has never heard of it...... what the heck? Strange.
I am, admittedly a Yankee. We don't have Diaper Parties just for guys up there. We have a BABY SHOWER, either for the momma to be, or for the momma and daddy to be.
Almost feels like 'double dipping for gifts here'. What are your thoughts on that??
Thursday, September 3, 2009
W - O - N - D - E - R - F - U - L = casper!
My heart starts to race as I hit grab it off my night stand.
Is he sick? Hurt? Colicing and needs to be taken to Retama? Broke something? All the bad things that could have happened to him are running through my head.
"Hello?" I say, my voice bit shaky
"Good morning," said Mary " I bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth!"
"No," I replied "I know you are busy"
Hadn't talked to her since last week, thursday maybe....
"Well," she said "I just wanted to call and give you an update on your boy. He's wonderful. Absolutly wonderful. He's had some REALLY great rides since we last talked. He's getting that left lead every time."
"OHHH GOSH, that's great Mary! I'm so happy"
"Barry was watching last night, and he confirmed what I was feeling. He said he's elevating his shoulders some, which is a great start int the right direction."
YAY, that means he's lightening up on the forehand, and pushing from his butt....yay!
Conversation continued for a few, and we hung up.
Now, what a better way to start someone's day than by calling them and telling them her horse is WONDERFUL. I love it.
Thanks Mary, for making my day!
Called her back after I left home to remind her that my MOM is coming for a visit the end of October, and she's coming to watch me show Casper in something. Asked if she thought he'd be ready to at least do Halter and showmanship. She said yes, but said the Margarita Classic Paint Show is that same weekend, and that is where she will be. That's a bummer, but I can bathe, band, and show at least in halter classes solo! Thank goodness! :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a.......

R got a txt message Saturday PM from Friend......asking us to help them with their dog.
Long story short after a few phone calls to a rescue friend in Houston, she hooked me up with a Dane Rescue lady down in Rockport.
Early Sunday AM call to set thing in motion.
Bones doesn't know a whole lot, doesn't have many manners. didn't want to load in the car, doesn't know how to walk on a leash. BUT, is a big uber goober sweetheart who for sure deserved a great chance at life and finding the right family for him. A BIG thank you to Mary in Houston, Keesha in Rockport and the Dane Rescue Group in San Antonio that have taken the time and resources to help this handsome fella. You are all greatly appreciated.
Friday, August 28, 2009
reFlective Friday - from Hunter In Training
I LIKE.....that Casper is doing well at the trainer
I Don't LIKE.....that it's expensive and it's so far away
I LIKE.....that my BF is getting to spend time with her SO tonight
I Don't LIKE.......that I don't get to hang out with her tonight
I LIKE.........that my DH is going to college
I Don't LIKE......that it's REALLY messing up our schedule and such
I LIKE.......the fact that I only have 2 more hours of work left!
I Don't LIKE.....the fact that I have 2 more hours of work left!
I LIKE.........the fact that it's FRIDAY
I Don't LIKE.....the fact that weekends are only 2 days long and the work week is 5
I LIKE.....that a friend sent a saddle
I Don't LIKE....that it doesn't fit my horse
I LIKE.......that we are finally buying a house and not RENTING
I Don't LIKE....all the bills and such that come along with that!!!
I LIKE.......that things are looking up for taking CAS to a show in October
I Don't LIKE.....that we may not have the $$$ to do so
I LIKE......reading my blog, and others' blogs
I Don't LIKE....that not everyone is able to update on a regular basis...I'm nosey, I want to know what everyone is up to!
OK.....TAG.....Who's NEXT......
JacksonsGirl and Pony Girl
Have at it!! Have fun!!! :)
fRiDay FiLL iNs
2. Getting Fall Photos from my mom is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend found out last night that 59 REALLY does go NORTH of VICTORIA after 6pm!
4. Yankees aren't as bad as Texans think, to be honest with you. =)
5. Appearances can be deceiving.....just because they look like million bucks doesn't mean they are worth it!
6. The last person I gave a hug to was Robert when I left for work this morning, normally it's Tucker but I was avoiding Chicken Breath!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finding appropriate fabric in Victoria, tomorrow my plans include work and work and Sunday, I want to support Robert's study sessions while I make a blanket for a friend's new baby!