Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evil Feed Bag!

SO, since his Saturday PM arrival I've noticed that Mr. Butthead can't keep his lips closed long enough to aviod dropping half his grain.
His teeth were checked by the vet that saw him and Florida and were deemed ok. I'm starting to question that!! He literally drops like 1/2 his grain.
He was almost out of his supplement when he got here, not leaving me enough time to order some. SO, I combed the area to see if any local feed store carried it. Viola! One in Victoria did! They closed at 5:30. I screamed outta the office 15 mins early and headed to town. Arrived just in time! I noticed they had some feed bags hanging on a display...BONUS! Supplement and feed bag in one place! YAY!

Ran a few other errands and played catch up with a friend for about 30 mins before heading home.
I'd phoned and told DH not to feed Duckie because I'd found a feed bag and would take care of him when I got there.

When I arrived home I found him standing in the front corner of his pen sulking! Poor boy! Everyone got dinner but him!
I raced inside and changed my footwear. Threw grain and supplement in the bag and headed his direction. As I rounded the corner of the shed I was greeted with nickers and whinnies of a hungry monster!
"oh yeah" I thought...just you wait! You won't be happy with me in a few minutes!
*duckie used to get fed in a feed bag when we were in Maryland* I stepped into his pen, and he started to walk to his bucket. "wrong answer, buddy!" He walked back to me and put his head in the bag. I adjusted it and put the strap over his ears.
After about 2.2 seconds he went to flipping and flopping and shaking his head around trying to get the bag off! Funny stuff! Didn't spill a drop though!!
He ate a bit....and shook a bit. Ate a bit...and shook some more.
I stood there with him, laughing at his antics and waited till he was done. I took it off his head and he began hunting for more!
"sorry bud, it's all gone".
He finally realized that it was gone and he settled in on hay munching!
Poor boy!!

I got up around 3 am this morning to let the dogs out and snuck a peek at his pen...he was laying down, sleeping!

Got up this morning and filled the feed bag and took it to him. Much less head shaking and attitude this am!!! Good boy! He catches on QUICK!
As soon as we can arrange it, we will get his teeth looked at. Coggins is due in October.....

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