Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Am I lost? Heck no! Just busy, and not much bloggable info happening....until tomorrow!!

Alduca, the TB that I blogged about a few posts back......will be leaving Florida at approx 2pm TOMORROW afternoon (7/15/2010) and will be headed for MY HOUSE! Isn't that just the most exciting news? my DQ, back at my house!
He still needs more weight, but looks much better then when Aimee found him. He will get the rest of summer and most of fall to gain weight and put on some muscle with starting him back in light work. THEN, come spring I'd like to take him to some schooling shows and see what he's got! POOR FELLA, he's quite old now. 19! BUT, no reason a SR can't still be a usable mount.

In other news, Casper has turned into a crocodile. YES, sad but true. Cas is too use to being in his stall, and has terrorized the other horses in his pasture. He doesn't act studly, just very 'alpha' in the pasture with his two gelding 'buddies'. So, we are looking at keeping him at the trainer's for her to use with the Local College Eq team girls/guys. This will be good. We get discount board and he gets ridden and can teach other people lots. Downside, I don't get him at home to ride....BUT, I'll have Duckie (Alduca).

I hope everyone out there in blogger land is well. I will post pics if possible tomorrow. Aimee said she'd send some of Duckie getting on the trailer. :)

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