Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ranch Sitting

It's pretty bad when you have to go take care of another person's stuff to get a "Vacation", right??

A few months back a very good friend of ours asked us about Ranch Sitting for them while they take a short Vacation of their own. They don't get to do that often, as they have a big place, full of Critters. It's hard to get someone knowledgeable to watch your critters for a couple days. So, of course, I said I would. DH has to stay home and watch our critters. I mean, they have to be taken care of too!

My "Vacation" Starts Sunday afternoon around 4. After we get back in town from trimming horses in Port A.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you aren't in AZ... we need a ranch sitter so we can actually get away for a day or 2... :) When I start writing out all the instructions for feeding, etc., it hits me how INSANE we are! ha ha
