Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kudos to the Dr

Kudos to Dr. Huffman and his crew. They were able to get Cas in to be seen.
He said "nothing really stands out. Flexed him to left and he's a little off, but nothing that should be giving you the problems you are having".

Now, we can look at this 2 ways.
1- YAY, nothing Major wrong with Cas
2 - now it just means we need to dig further and spend more money to figure out what the issue IS! yucky!

So, Cas is on his way back to Mary's and will be on some anti-inflammatory meds and see if that helps. If so, we will be taking him back to Dr. Huffman at the beginning of next month for some X-ray's and Teeth work. In other words...we will start digging!

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