Friday, September 18, 2009

Lunging Mosquitoes - 9/17/09

LOL, Just kidding!

Lunging Ransom, who was wearing mosquitoes?

Lunging Ransom who was wearing lots of mosquitoes through his BUG SPRAY.....

Jen had some stuff to do last night so I told her I'd run by her place on the way home and Lunge Ransom for her. She is working hard to get ready for a show on 9/27 and we didn't want to loose any momentum!

So, tacked Ransom up, black polos, blue pad, surcingle, side reins and off we went.
*noted that on his right side he was very sensitive to brushing...with stiff bristle and softer. Almost like he was saying 'umm that hurts, stop it, stop it, stop it'. *

Went down to the FAR END OF THE ARENA - his least fav of the two ends
Started going left....walking - no side reins
He took off into a canter and I let him get it out of his system.
Changed direction
Now going right - no side reins - walk
Again, takes off cantering......dadadum, dadadum, dadadum.....
Changed direction again - added side reins on 8 - now going left
Worked on transitions - walk/trot - trot/canter - canter/trot - trot/walk - walk/canter
Ransom was moving very nicely this way. Mucho impulsion, holding a nice frame, going some where...yay pony!
Right side, however....not so much.
He didn't want to hold the trot...he preferred to canter. So, canter we did....lots. Worked on transitions this way too, same as above. He was much better by the time we stopped and got carried back to the trailer to un-tack by the mosquitoes! It was nice not having to walk all that way back to the trailer!

Un-tacked, hosed him off.....did some cookie stretches....and turned him back out where he started eating grass right away. It has rained here...we have grass now! :)

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